Cut to the Chase

Cut to the Chase

ReelyQ’s mission is to help movie lovers of all persuasions to ‘cut to the chase’ when searching for their next ‘must watch’ film. Most everyone has a taste in movies that is incredibly unique and personal. ReelyQ lets you identify your personal cadre of Critics whose proclivity in movies mirrors your own. What many people discover about the movies they love is that sometimes the greatest movies are old. Some are new. Some are foreign films. Some are Indie films. And there are tens of thousands to choose from.

It seems everyone – or someone they know – has an opinion about movies. With thousands of movies hitting the screens each year, ReelyQ has created a venue where everyone can share their favorite movies or recent movie finds. ReelyQ is a worldwide movie queue, one that can be tailored to anyone’s taste in movies.

Think about it. Thousands of Critics. Thousand of movies. Millions of choices.

Becoming a member of ReelyQ is simple. Just create your member’s account and tag the movies and Critics you like and they will automatically go into your “Reely Q”. You can have as many as 10 movies and 5 Critics in your Q at any time. You can add and delete movies or Critics at any time. Your personally selected Critics will be your guide to undiscovered movie gems.

Not everyone is a rabid movie fan – but for those selected few, we invite them to be a ReelyQ Critic and share their movie picks with their friends and the public at large. ReelyQ Critics need to be personally invited by ReelyQ (see Become a Critic page) or from a current ReelyQ Critic.

Each ReelyQ Critic may invite up to five trusted movie buffs to be a ReelyQ Critic.

See you at the movies. Q