About Enzian

About Enzian

enzianSurrounded by weeping oaks, a bubbling fountain, and a beautiful courtyard, Enzian is a unique movie-going experience. As Central Florida’s only full-time, non-for-profit alternative cinema, Enzian exists to entertain, inspire, educate, and connect the community through film. For more than 25 years Enzian has championed the belief that “Film Is Art.” Along with first-run independent features, Enzian offers a variety of special events, such the nationally-recognized Florida Film Festival.

Founded by Tina Tiedtke and the Tiedtke family in 1985, Enzian began as a repertory house offering six to 12 classic films each week. Today, it stands as a beacon, drawing film goers from near and far to revel in the great experience of witnessing great films. The Enzian is referred to as the ‘Crown Jewel’ of Central Florida – quite a compliment when in the company of Disneyworld and Universal Studios.
